
Strabane Street Animation Call Out

‘Inside Out’ – Strabane Street Culture 2021


Introduction & Specification of Requirement

Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC) and Strabane BID is inviting quotations from suitable experienced cultural/community organisations in Strabane for the following types of activity in relation to the ‘Inside Out’ Programme Strabane Town Centre Animation 2021.

  • Street Theatre, musical theatre
  • Dance
  • Installation pieces
  • Street Art
  • Any other creative concepts that have been/can be adapted in compliance with current restrictions regarding crowds and large groups gathering


Please note there will be a separate call for a Busker programme.  .


This activity will be organised by DCSDC  and Strabane BID and is part funded by the Department of Communities through the Business Recovery and Revitalisation programme.



As we approach Spring and several lockdown measures ease Council hopes to continue with the delivery of its ‘Inside Out Street Programme’, encouraging increased footfall back onto our streets in a safe but engaging way. Working with a range of departments within Council, the Festival and Events team are planning to deliver an animation programme that enhances the experience of visiting our shops, bars, restaurants and streets in a bespoke and creative way that doesn’t compromise the health and welfare of our community. This will be carried out over a series of weekends in the coming months when several streets in Strabane will be brought to life with some animation, activity and colour and support street café culture.


This animation programme will run from April –  over two afternoons / evenings each month and will incorporate the following seasonal themes:


  • April, May – Easter, Spring, New beginnings
  • June / July – Summer Jamm, summer in the town


Please include in your submission, elements which can feed into the context of the above themes.



There are a number of streets identified within Strabane Centre which are required to be animated. The budget for Animation in these areas is:

  • 2 x days per month April – July = 8 x days, this maybe extended to August.
  • Performer/act for up to 2 hours activity, £100 per performer,  Larger dance, theatre groups maximum contribution of £400 per group for up to 2 hour performances.
  • Performances times likely to be between 12 noon – 5pm however dates and times may vary.



‘Inside Out’ –Strabane Town Centre Street Programme 2021

The successful quotation will be responsible for creative character and theme development where appropriate.


Council would welcome a range of proposals that embrace the following;


Programme:    ‘Inside Out’ – Strabane Town Centre Programme 2021


Content:             Outline proposal to include / Street Theatre / Installation Pieces / Street Art  / Dance

                        Any other Creative Concepts

Evaluation / Award Criteria

Please note that insurances, activity based risk assessments and will all be required prior to contract if successful. Please also note that successful organisations must commit to press/PR activity and interviews as and when requested.

Council also reserve the right to select all or part of a proposal, organisations may be asked to work alongside other organisations in the delivery of the most impactful animation.  In addition, in order to ensure variety of activity a number of the top scoring creative proposals may be chosen.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 7th April 12 noon. All proposals should be emailed to Jacqueline.whoriskey@derrystrabane.com

Strabane Busker Call Out

‘Inside Out’ – Strabane Street Culture 2021

 Introduction & Specification of Requirement

Derry City and Strabane District Council (DCSDC), The Alley Theatre and Strabane BID is inviting quotations from suitable experienced musicians in Strabane to be part of a list of buskers that they will engage throughout the Spring/Summer period as part of the ‘Inside Out’ Programme Strabane Town Centre Animation 2021.

This activity will be organised by Derry City and Strabane District Council, The Alley Theatre and Strabane BID and is part funded by the Department of Communities through the Business Recovery and Revitalisation programme.


As we approach Spring and several lockdown measures ease Council hopes to continue with the delivery of its ‘Inside Out Street Programme’, encouraging increased footfall back onto our streets in a safe but engaging way. Working with a range of departments within Council, the Festival and Events team are planning to deliver an animation programme that enhances the experience of visiting our shops, bars, restaurants and streets in a bespoke and creative way that doesn’t compromise the health and welfare of our community. This will be carried out over a series of weekends in the coming months when several streets in Strabane will be brought to life with some animation, activity and colour and support street café culture.

This programme will run from April –  over two afternoons / evenings each month and will incorporate the following seasonal themes:

  • April, May – Easter, Spring, New beginnings
  • June / July – Summer Jamm, summer in the town

Please send us through details of your music via online links and a short description (No more than 200 words) of the type of music you perform, genres etc  and how it might appeal to the public.  Buskers will be selected based on quality of their submission.

If successful, your details will remain on Council and Strabane Bids Musician/Busker list for at least 1 year with a possible extension of 2 years as you may be called upon to perform at other times throughout the year.  If successful Council and Bid will plan to rotate the list and select artists depending on the event/activity.


There are a number of streets identified within Strabane Centre which are required to be animated. The budget for Busking in these areas is:

  • Performer/act for up to 2 hours activity, £100 per performer, Larger groups maximum contribution of £400 per group for up to 2 hour performances.

 The following should be taken into consideration when submitting your quotation:

  • Programming will be outdoor
  • Pop Up Delivery – no pre-site build
  • Simple Infrastructure (own Equipment) that can be easily stopped, taken down, moved on
  • Transportable so can be delivered across multiple areas/streets
  • Covid19 Safe
  • Self Sufficient/ Stand alone

 Please note that dates and times above may be subject to changes.

 Please note that insurances, activity based risk assessments and event management plans will all be required prior to contract if successful. Please also note that successful organisations must commit to press/PR activity and interviews as and when requested.

Council also reserve the right to select all or part of a proposal, organisations may be asked to work alongside other organisations in the delivery of the most impactful.  In addition, in order to ensure variety of activity a number of the top scoring creative proposals may be chosen.

The deadline for submissions is Wednesday 7th April 2021 . All proposals should be emailed to Jacqueline.whoriskey@derrystrabane.com