Mayor of Derry City and Strabane Districy Council, Alderman Graham Warke, pictured with local entrepreneur Jenna Mitchell, at the launch of the new Pop Up Shop in the Strabane Pagoda. Jenna’s new business venture, Scottie Paws, beat off the competition as one of six entrepreneurs who won over the judges to secure a place on the RE:IMAGINE Pop Up Shop scheme. The winners will all enjoy a wide package of business support, as well as the opportunity to profile their products in a prime retail location over the coming months.The scheme is organised by Council, working in conjunction with The Fashion & Textile Design Centre (FTDC) in Derry and BID in Strabane. The initiative is part of the new Start Up Accelerator Programme being rolled out by the Council, Enterprise NW and Strabane Enterprise Agency, with £240,000 secured to assist individuals who have participated in the Go For It Programme, to develop business ideas and skills. The programme is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund.You can find out more about the programme here