November 2020

Business people in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area are being invited to a free online seminar to prepare them for the UK’s exit from the European Union at the end of this year.
The Countdown to Brexit workshop from 2pm-4pm on Wednesday December 9th aims to offer owners and managers a clear u,nderstanding of the UK Exit process and the implications of the possible scenarios.
The event is open to the entire business community in the Council area but may be of particular interest to those who buy or sell to the Republic of Ireland or other parts of the EU.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Brian Tierney, encouraged the local business fraternity to avail of the chance to be clear about what to expect at the end of December.
“The end of the transitionary period for the UK’s departure from the EU on December 31st will be an unprecedented period for many local businesses,” he said.
“While there remains significant uncertainty about what this means for businesses, it is essential that owners and managers have a clear understanding of the implications of the possible scenarios.  
“I would urge local business people to make the time in their schedules to attend this workshop and learn what they can do now to meet the challenges ahead and what support is in place for them to prepare for the post Brexit landscape.”
Countdown to Brexit will offer clarity about what has and has not been agreed to date regarding the withdrawal procedure and the likely impact of buying from and selling to businesses in the Republic of Ireland and other parts of the EU.
Also on the agenda are the implications around the movement of people and money and any administrative obligations.
Due to ongoing social distancing restrictions, the workshop will take place via Zoom – if you require any assistance in downloading / using Zoom, please contact
Attendance is restricted to 15 to facilitate discussion and debate therefore early registration is strongly recommended.
Registration details are available on Eventbrite at
The workshop forms part of the DCSDC Business Innovation and Growth Programme which is part-funded by Invest NI and the European Regional Development Fund under the Investment for Growth and Jobs Northern Ireland [2014 – 2020] Programme.